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EV sales remain strong globally: APTime:2024-12-27 15:51:00

Global EV Sales Surge, Led by China: Electric vehicles (EVs) experienced another rapid growth year globally, driven by buyers in China, parts of Europe, and the United States, despite challenges, according to a report by The Associated Press. The report highlighted that China, the world's largest auto market, reached a milestone in July where EVs accounted for 50% of new car sales, including pure battery EVs and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles. Chinese companies like BYD continue to gain global traction with their affordable EVs. Progress in EV adoption was also noted in Europe and the U.S., although uncertainties around purchase subsidies could complicate the market in 2025, especially under the incoming Donald Trump administration. However, mainstream consumers remain interested in new models, longer driving ranges, better performance, and lower prices. The International Energy Agency states that road transport accounts for about one-sixth of all global emissions from energy, and widespread EV adoption could significantly address climate change.

By Xinhua